The Singapore, Marine Parade Radio Control Modellers Club (SGMPRCMC) was formed in 1981 as a Special Interest Group (SIG) under the Marine Parade Community Club Management Committee (CCMC).
Since its inception, the SGMPRCMC had been affliated to the International Federation of Model Auto Racing (iFMAR) through membership with the Asian Bloc Organisation named Far East Model Car Association (FEMCA). The other blocs originate from USA & Canada (ROAR), Europe (EFRA) and South America & Africa (FAMAR). Over the years, we have hosted many championships and race events for members and invited guests from neighbouring countries.
If you have Google Earth here is the Google Earth Link.

If you don't have Google Earth, get it from Google. Below is the locale of the club office. The Marine Parade RCMC is an activity sub-group of the Marine Parade Community Club, whose parent organization is the Singapore Peoples' Association.

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